Body Shaming

Body Shaming

What do you mean by body shaming?

What are examples of body shaming?

How does body shaming affect you?

How do I stop body shaming?

Body Shaming

With the rise in modern era, many false beliefs are scattering in our society. It has been observed that the actresses are always smart, slim, with shiny hair and fair skin. Whereas, negative characters are most of the time fat, dark and portrays obnoxious personalities. Such choice of characters automatically defines the idea of beauty for our culture, especially in teenagers and youngster with age group of 20years to 30 years. The mind-set of teenager is not fully developed. It can be shaped in a certain way if proper guidance by elders is provided or not provided.

Body Shaming
Body Shaming

However, social media plays a significant role in prioritizing beauty concepts among people. These concepts are causing in a lot of people who doesn’t fit the criteria of beauty in our society.

What is the most common type of body shaming?

What defines body shaming?

What does body shaming look like?

What to say to someone who is body shaming?

Body shaming has several types. It could be fat shaming, skin shaming i.e. also known as colour shaming, skinny shaming and so on. Let’s discuss the three main types of body shaming.

Skin Shaming

When a baby with black skin tone is born, we ultimately start saying that baby’s skin is dark. Which leaves the family in complex and them instantly start justifying by saying that baby’s skin tone will get better with age. Although, with the change in cultural equality, people has started to embrace there black skin tone. Even for us, people with Dark skin tone are more attractive and charming then light skin tone. Even one should learn that his attitude should be something appreciating the dark skin. We should seed this idea in their mind that yes they are beautiful and more attractive. They are not different in any way and equally important part of our society.

Fat shaming

The most common type of body shaming is fat shaming. These days, a lot of jokes are cracked about obese people and their size. Mostly girls and women are main targets of this obesity. It is common practice in our society that if we see someone who is fat and eating food, we start taunting them to eat less or start dieting. We un-intentionaly start guiding them on what to do or what not to do. Regardless of their feelings. We don’t bother to know the real reason behind their fatness. Why don’t we even think they can have hormonal issues due to which her size is bigger than normal?

Recently, one of Asian media star was body shamed. She gained weight after giving birth to a beautiful little girl. She faced a lot of body shaming comments from all over the world. Was it her fault to get fat after giving birth to a baby? NO NO NO. It is a natural process. Girls do gain weight and sometimes it’s just there belly fats. However, we never know what kind of pain she has endure.

Skinny Shaming

Some people are skinny shamed. Whenever they meet someone, they will comment like your family does not give you enough food. Your health does not allow you to have argument with someone strong. What if those winds take you along (ok this is kind of funny thou)? These are some of the harsh comments made by our society.

It can be genetic, some people are naturally slim. This is how they are. Sometimes it be because of some medical issues or maybe they take care of their diet and don’t want to get fat.

Consequences of Body shaming

There could be many consequences of body shaming. It effects the mentality and personality of one person. Body shaming can negatively affect our lives. Increasing cases of depression are mostly due to ruthless comments about their bodies. It even led to suicidal attempts in some individual. It can also cause anxiety and low self-esteem.

Body Shaming
Body shaming

One should learn to embrace themselves the way they are. No matter what are the standards of society, it should not affect the idea of being confident in our personality. We can never satisfy the standards of society. Whatever we do they will find a way to criticize.

SELF MOTIVATION is very important in order to embrace our body the way it is.