What is bounded behavior?
In what ways is our rationality bounded?
What is the bounded self?
What does bounded mean in psychology?
Things don’t influence us because of our ‘free will’. Doesn’t this whole piece feel like a reality?
Well in fact, the human nature and the way brain functions; on the very fundamental level, explain there is no such thing as “Free Will”. The environment that we design, design us in return. But, Humans are constrained since the beginning.

Talking about this throws light on the fact that every human being is bounded by his knowledge, experiences, ideas and environment, which shape him entirely. Herbert A. Simon proposed a theory of ‘Bounded Rationality’, which holds that an individual’s rationality is limited by the information they have, the cognitive limitations of their minds, and the finite amount of time they have to make a decision.
But the best part in these constraints is that all these constraints on human ideas and behaviours make a man very creative. Usually when people face any sort of limitation, they feel frustrated and annoyed, but if they try for different approaches, then they could easily get out of the rut. Hence there isn’t any ‘Free Will’ in reality and only ‘Constraints’ mold Human Beings.

These very basic ‘Laws’ are preserving us in our societies and are making us function on the daily basis. The whole notion represents the evolved and codified experience of all men who have ever lived, are living or will live.
This is how the Term ‘How Humans are bounded? Is justified, because it is the experience of the many, rather than the wisdom of the few.