How do you Energize your team?
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10 Motivational Ideas to Energize a Team
Teams just don’t happen over a night; they are built with a lot of hard work and smart work leading by an inspiring leader. There are lot of powerful strategies and tips that can be used as a platoon leader regarding team building and energizing it. Today, teamwork is considered as the backbone of a successful organization. Teamwork combined with smart word creates a visible change in the success chart of an organization.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
Henry Ford, American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company.
Let’s discuss 10 Motivational Ideas to Energize a team.
1. Develop a Vision
Identify the challenging, inspiring goals a team wants to achieve. Define how you want people outside of your platoon (your customers, your peers outside of your team, the corporation as a whole) to perceive your platoon. Get all team members involved in helping to write strategic vision. Formulate this team vision into a team mission statement professionally printed and posted in the workplace for all to see.

2. Over Communicate
The platoon mates must know what is going on corporate wide, as well as all members know about the team, both successes and failures. Let your platoon mate know about new products, new customers, new business partnerships etc. Inform them of everything from changes in employee benefits, to change in corporate goals. The more knowledge employees have, the better they can perform.
3. Be Approachable
Make sure that your people feel comfortable coming to you with problems. A breakdown in
communication can be a death sentence to a platoon. Present yourself as a resource. You are there
to help, to coordinate your members when necessary. Don’t sit in your office and wait for platoon
members to come to you.
“Motivation comes from working on things we care about. It also comes from working with people we care about.”
Sheryl Sandberg, American business executive.
4. Build Rapport
Plan a short stand-up meeting of all team members every morning, before the start of workday. When something changes or when new information of interest arrives, keep the people in team informed. Make sure your people have not only all of the information they need to perform their current jobs, but enough to look ahead and anticipate future opportunities for the team as a whole.
5. Completely Delegate
You may be the expert in your field, but a team leader should respect and use the expertise of all other team players. A high-performance team has members who can assume their responsibilities and they in turn enable them to make decisions independently.

6. Lead by Example
A team can’t be energized if their leader is not. Team members won’t feel ownership, or go the extra mile, if the leader does not motivative them by being an example to look upon. A leader must set an example by demonstrating passion and having confidence in them to work in a team to do give their best in performing a good job.
7. Provide Feedback
Be sure to tell your people how they are doing, in a timely manner-not 6 months after the fact. There are no stronger modifiers of behavior, than immediate positive or negative, reinforcement. Feedback with positive criticism also work best to enhance the confidence level of an individual person and as a team. A leader should know the credibility’s of his team members. He should know when and where to criticize and to where not. Make a balanced work environment for the team.

8. Offer Rewards
Consider awards for the responsible team members for them to get motivated. Keep in mind to
praise your people in public and discipline them in private.
9. Encourage Growth
Who does not like to be appreciated and rewarded? Every human being loves to be acknowledged for all the hard work and passion he put into doing something. A team leader encourages his team members to develop personally and professionally. Suggest training programs, books, seminars, workshops, courses and journal articles they can read to eliminate their weaknesses.

10. Celebrate Accomplishments
Share good news with team. Have a party with them. Let them make noise about their success. Let everyone know when the platoon or its member does something really noteworthy. Keep the criticisms to a minimum at these times. Enjoy with them and let them enjoy.
A group of people can form a strong team by using these 10 Motivational Ideas to Energize a Team in positive manners. A strong and motivated team can flourish by having a leader who is always motivating and encouraging his team and directly or indirectly when necessary.
10 Motivational Ideas to Energize a Team
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